Monday, July 15, 2019

MALWOVERVIEW - Malware Analysis ( triage ) tool


                                             Malware Analysis tools was to developed to provide students with a comprehensive hands-on exposure to the processes, tools and procedures used to identify common types of malware and to quickly determine their capabilities and threat level.

The new 1.6.0 version of MALWOVERVIEW tool is finally available! is a first response tool to perform an initial and quick triage on either a directory containing malware samples, specific malware sample or even a suspect URL.

This version:

* It is using the Hybrid Analysis API version 2.4.0.
* Includes certificate information in the Hybrid Analysis report.
* Includes MITRE information in the Hybrid Analysis report.

* Includes an option to download samples from Hybrid Analysis.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Gorsair - Docker API Penetration Testing Tool


                is a penetration testing tool for discovering and remotely accessing Docker APIs from vulnerable Docker containers. Once it has access to the docker daemon, you can use Gorsair to directly execute commands on remote containers.

Gorsair hacks its way into remote docker containers that expose their APIs.

Exposing the docker API on the internet is a tremendous risk, as it can let malicious agents get information on all of the other containers, images and system, as well as potentially getting privileged access to the whole system if the image uses the root user.


From a release

Set the:
  • GORSAIR_VERSION to whatever release you are interested in
  • OS to your operating system (linux, windows or darwin)
  • ARCH to your architecture (amd64, arm, or ppc64le)
And then run the following command to install gorsair.
curl$GORSAIR_VERSION/gorsair_$OS_$ARCH --output /usr/local/bin/gorsair

From the sources

  • Make sure that you have a go version that supports modules (versions 1.11 and above)
  • Make sure that your environment contains the GO111MODULE variable set to on
  • Run go build -o /usr/local/bin/gorsair cmd/*.go from the root of this repository

Command line options

  • -t, --targets: Set targets according to the nmap target format. Required. Example: --targets=","
  • -p, --ports: (Default: 2375,2376) Set custom ports.
  • -s, --speed: (Default: 4) Set custom nmap discovery presets to improve speed or accuracy. It's recommended to lower it if you are attempting to scan an unstable and slow network, or to increase it if on a very performant and reliable network. You might also want to keep it low to keep your discovery stealthy. See this for more info on the nmap timing templates.
  • -v, --verbose: Enable more verbose logs.
  • -D, --decoys: List of decoy IP addresses to use (see the decoy section of the nmap documentation)
  • -e, --interface: Network interface to use
  • --proxies: List of HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies to use to deplay connections with (see documentation)
  • -S, --spoof-ip: IP address to use for IP spoofing
  • --spoof-mac: MAC address to use for MAC spoofing
  • -v, --verbose: Enable verbose logging
  • -h, --help: Display the usage information

How can I protect my containers from this attack

  • Avoid putting containers that have access to the docker socket on the internet
  • Avoid using the root account in docker containers
Ref Link:

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Open-Sourced Remote Vulnerability Testing Framework - Pocsuite


                 is an open-sourced remote vulnerability testing and proof-of-concept development framework developed by the Knownsec 404 Team.

It comes with a powerful proof-of-concept engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration testers and security researchers.


  • PoC scripts can running with `attack`,`verify`, `shell` mode in different way
  • Plugin ecosystem
  • Dynamic loading PoC script from any where (local file, redis , database, Seebug ...)
  • Load multi-target from any where (CIDR, local file, redis , database, Zoomeye ...)
  • Results can be easily exported
  • Dynamic patch and hook requests
  • Both command line tool and python package import to use
  • IPV6 support
  • Global HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy support
  • Simple spider API for PoC script to use
  • Integrate with [Seebug]( (for load PoC from Seebug website)
  • Integrate with [ZoomEye]( (for load target from ZoomEye `Dork`)
  • Integrate with [Ceye]( (for verify blind DNS and HTTP request)
  • More ...


Vulnerability Testing Framework

Written in Python and supported both validation and exploitation two plugin-invoked modes, Pocsuite could import batch targets from files and test those targets against multiple exploit-plugins in advance.(See "Pocsuite usage"

PoC/Exp Development Kit

Like Metasploit, it is a development kit for pentesters to develope their own exploits. Based on Pocsuite, you can write the most core code of PoC/Exp without caring about the resulting output etc. There are at least several hundred people writing PoC/Exp based on Pocsuite up to date.

Integratable Module

Users could utilize some auxiliary modules packaged in Pocsuite to extend their exploit functions or integrate Pocsuite to develop other vulnerability assesment tools.

Integrated ZoomEye And Seebug APIs

Pocsuite is also an extremely useful tool to integrate Seebug and ZoomEye APIs in a collaborative way. Vulnerablity assessment can be done automatically and effectively by searching targets through ZoomEye and acquiring PoC scripts from Seebug or locally.


pocsuite3 works out of the box with Python version 3.x on any platform.
You can use Git to clone the latest source code repository

    $ git clone
Or click here to download the latest source zip package, and extract

    $ wget
    $ unzip
    $ cd Pocsuite
    $ python --version
Or use pip

    $ pip install pocsuite
    $ pocsuite --version

More Videos :

Download / Ref Link :

Sunday, January 13, 2019

GUI Based Snort Rule Creator / Maker - SNORPY


                        A Simple GUI / Web Based Snort Rule Creator / Maker for Building Simple Snort Rules.

Snorpy is a simple Snort rule creator / builder / maker made originally with python but I made the most recent version with Node and jquery.

  1. Install nodejs
  2. Download repo
  3. Unzip the file name
  4. cd /to/the/path/of/app.js
  5. run the following command: "node app.js"
Should be that easy.

Video Ref :

Download Link :

Online Play :

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Bulk_Extractor - Best Forensics tool to Extracts Sensitive Information

Bulk Extractor:

                          is to locate potentially sensitive information such as email addresses and credit card numbers, as well as other types of information such as GPS coordinates and image file types.

Bulk extractor ignores the file system and scans it linearly. This, in combination with parallel processing, makes the tool very fast. It will have an issue with fragmented files, but typically, files aren’t fragmented.

bulk_extractor can be used on Windows, Linux, and Macintosh OS X platforms.
This page contains instructions for downloading, building and installing bulk_extractor on Linux and OS X, and for downloading and installing the bulk_extractor binary on Windows. If you would like to build your own Windows binary

bulk_extractor is a C++ program that scans a disk image, a file, or a directory of files and extracts useful information without parsing the file system or file system structures. The results are stored in feature files that can be easily inspected, parsed, or processed with automated tools. bulk_extractor also creates histograms of features that it finds, as features that are more common tend to be more important.
We have made the following tools available for processing feature files generated by bulk_extractor:
  • A a small number of python programs that perform automated processing on feature files.
  • A Bulk Extractor Viewer User Interface (BEViewer) for browsing features stored in feature files and for launching bulk_extractor scans. Please see page BEViewer.

Installation Steps for Windows / Linux :

Output Feature Files

bulk_extractor now creates an output directory that has the following layout:
alerts.txt Processing errors.
ccn.txt Credit card numbers
ccn_track2.txt Credit card “track 2″ informaiton, which has previously been found in some bank card fraud cases.
domain.txt Internet domains found on the drive, including dotted-quad addresses found in text.
email.txt Email addresses.
ether.txt Ethernet MAC addresses found through IP packet carving of swap files and compressed system hibernation files and file fragments.
exif.txt EXIFs from JPEGs and video segments. This feature file contains all of the EXIF fields, expanded as XML records.
find.txt The results of specific regular expression search requests.
identified_blocks.txt Block hash values that match hash values in a hash database that the scan was run against.
ip.txt IP addresses found through IP packet carving.
rfc822.txt Email message headers including Date:, Subject: and Message-ID: fields.
tcp.txt TCP flow information found through IP packet carving.
telephone.txt US and international telephone numbers.
url.txt URLs, typically found in browser caches, email messages, and pre-compiled into executables.
url_searches.txt A histogram of terms used in Internet searches from services such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others.
url_services.txt A histogram of the domain name portion of all the URLs found on the media.
wordlist.txt A list of all “words” extracted from the disk, useful for password cracking.
wordlist_*.txt The wordlist with duplicates removed, formatted in a form that can be easily imported into a popular password-cracking program.
zip.txt A file containing information regarding every ZIP file component found on the media. This is exceptionally useful as ZIP files contain internal structure and ZIP is increasingly the compound file format of choice for a variety of products such as Microsoft Office

Download Link :

Monday, December 31, 2018

Local Administrator Password Solution(LAPS) - Microsoft Free Password Management Tool

Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS):

                                                                            is a Microsoft product that manages the local administrator password and stores it in Active Directory (AD). This solution automatically updates the password on a routine basis. The Microsoft Infrastructure (MI) team has implemented the LAPS schema extensions and created a default set of permissions to retrieve a password stored in AD.

 Passwords are stored in Active Directory (AD) and protected by ACL, so only eligible users can read it or request its reset.

LAPS Architectural Diagram:

Img Source: Microsoft

Deployment Steps :


  • Random password that automatically regularly changes on managed machines
  • Effective mitigation of Pass-the-hash attack
  • Password is protected during the transport via Kerberos encryption
  • Password is protected in AD by AD ACL, so granular security model can be easily implemented


  • Configurable password parameters: age, complexity and length
  • Ability to force password reset on per-machine basis
  • Security model integrated with AD ACLs
  • End use UI can be any AD management tools of choice, plus custom tools (PowerShell and Fat client) are provided
  • Protection against computer account deletion
  • Easy implementation and minimal footprint


  • Active Directory:
    • Windows 2003 SP1 and above
  • Managed/Client machines:
    • Windows Server 2016
    • x86 or x64
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials
    • Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation
    • Windows 8.1 Enterprise
    • Windows 8.1 Pro
    • Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
    • Windows Server 2012 Standard
    • Windows Server 2012 Essentials
    • Windows Server 2012 Foundation
    • Windows 8 Enterprise
    • Windows 8 Pro
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
    • Windows 7 Service Pack 1
    • Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2
    • Windows Vista Service Pack 2
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2
    • Itanium NOT supported
  • Management tools:
    • .NET Framework 4.0
    • PowerShell 2.0 or above
Download Link :

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Free Risk Assessment Tool - Titania

Risk Assessment Tool:

                                 is a quick to implement, easy to use tool that helps you lock down your workstations and servers against attack. Discover new vulnerabilities (that others might find) & harden your network today.

Cyber Essentials, the inspiration for our Risk Assessment Tool, is a Government-backed and industry supported scheme to guide businesses in protecting themselves from cyber threats. It is derived from years of research on business breaches - which resulted in practical, easy to implement actions removing up to 80% of your cyber risk.

The five controls, designed to maximise protection of your business are: 
  •     Boundary Firewalls and Internet Gateways
  •     Secure Configuration
  •     Access Control
  •     Malware Protection
  •     Patch Management

Despite its relative simplicity, basic knowledge of information security is required to understand and complete the Cyber Essentials self-assessment questionnaire (both in language and practice). This knowledge is something many businesses either don’t have or is it costly to hire (IT experts are often busy, costly or both!).

Titania’s automated audits help at every step, our free Risk Assessment Tool is simple enough for SME’s and our enterprise tools (Paws and Nipper Studio) will accelerate compliance, cut costs and free up your experts for the many projects on their “to do” list...

Lancaster University study of Cyber Essentials found:

“This, more than anything else should be understood by SMEs, taking no action to combat cyber threats simply isn’t an option. With Cyber Essentials tools, more than 99% of the vulnerabilities in SMEs interviewed were mitigated.”

Download Link :

Ref / Key Link :