Monday, November 11, 2019

SIEMonster V4 - Free | Open Source Security Incident and Event Management (SIEM)

SIEMonster Security Information and Event Management (SIEM):

                                                                                              built on customizable, components. Included is UEBA, Bro, Suricata, The Hive, Cortex, Apache Ni-Fi, Kafka, MISP and Wazuh.

SIEMonster provides Community Edition is a single appliance or Virtual machine, for companies from 1-100 endpoints. It is completely free to use.

 SIEMonster is a collection of the best open source security tools and our own development as professional hackers to provide a SIEM for everyone. We showcase the latest and greatest tools for security professionals and our Community Edition v.4 Fully Loaded has it all. Designed for smaller organizations, charities, classrooms or even those who just want to check out our Fully Loaded SIEM. This edition is completely free, for the community and to be supported by the community.

Community Edition gives you the ability to monitor all network assets in an affordable scalable solution. This single server solution makes it easier for organizations who only have 1-100 endpoints. To access the Community Edition you will need to sign up to the Community Portal, which is available via the download button on our website. There you will also find all the resources you will need to help install and learn about SIEMonster. We have created an admin guide and videos for you. You are also encouraged to interact with other Community Edition users for support or just share how you are using the SIEM and even help out another user, after all that’s what Community is all about.

SIEMonster’s slogan is SIEM for everyone and this is why our prices are so affordable. Whether you are a small, medium or large enterprise we have the right product and licensing for you.

Pre Requisites :

You will need a minimum of 32GB RAM and 8 VCPU’s of power.

Note: Community edition will monitor up to 100 endpoints at 5,000 EPS as it’s designed to give you a taste and allow you to play with the product for as long as you like.

When you’re ready to get serious, let us know, and we’ll help you with our other editions.

Reference : Docs | Videos

Download Link:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Apache Metron - Open Source Big Data Security Analytics Framework

Apache Metron:

                           integrates a variety of open source big data technologies in order to offer a centralized tool for security monitoring and analysis. Metron provides capabilities for log aggregation, full packet capture indexing, storage, advanced behavioral analytics and data enrichment, while applying the most current threat intelligence information to security telemetry within a single platform.

Logical Architecture 

 Apache Metron can be used as a SIEM system. It offers a variety of options that make up a SIEM system. First, you can save data over a long period of time.

Some Features:

Because Apache Metron is designed as a big data solution, the open source solution can handle data lakes too. 

Simply put, data lakes are an in-house storage option for all data and sources. Business users can access and analyze the data based on their permissions. Usually the data in Data Lake is unmodified, so it will not be transformed. The Data Lake is accessed by various analysis tools, which convert the data for their own use. 

 Nice Intro Video 

Current Release: 0.7.1

 Download Link :