Showing posts with label sql. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sql. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Database Server Vulnerability Scanner / Penetration Testing Toolkit

Scuba :

             Scuba is a free tool that scans leading enterprise databases for security vulnerabilities and configuration flaws, including patch levels. Reports deliver actionable information to quickly reduce risk, and regular vulnerability updates ensure that Scuba keeps pace with new threats.

Use Scuba to:
  • Automate vulnerability discovery
  • Secure infrastructure and measure compliance
  • Prioritize risk and focus remediation resources
  • Safely test enterprise class databases

    Download Link :  

 Safe3SI :

              is one of the most powerful and easy usage penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a kick-ass detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database,to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.

 Download Link :

DBPwAudit :

                 is a Java tool that allows you to perform online audits of password quality for several database engines. The application design allows for easy adding of additional database drivers by simply copying new JDBC drivers to the jdbc directory. Configuration is performed in two files, the aliases.conf file is used to map drivers to aliases and the rules.conf tells the application how to handle error messages from the scan.

McAfee Vulnerability Manager :

                             for Databases automatically discovers databases on your network, determines if the latest patches have been applied, and tests for common weaknesses such as weak passwords, default accounts, and other common threats. Vulnerability Manager for Databases conducts more than 4,700 vulnerability checks against leading database systems, including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and MySQL.

AppDetectivePro :

                          is a database scanner that empowers professionals to scan databases for vulnerabilities, configuration issues, weak passwords, missing patches, access control concerns, and other issues that can lead to user privilege escalation. As complex as databases are, AppDetectivePro provides a cost-effective solution to provide the following:

SQLdict :

         is a dictionary attack tool for SQL Server. SQLdict is a basic single ip brute-force MS SQL Server password utility that can carry out a dictionary attack against a named SQL account.

        The use of this tool is simple you just specify the IP address you are attacking, the user account you are up against and then load an appropriate wordlist to try via the Load Password File button

Oscanner : 

                is an Oracle assessment framework developed in Java. It has a plugin-based architecture and comes with a couple of plugins that currently do:

- Sid Enumeration
- Passwords tests (common & dictionary)
- Enumerate Oracle version
- Enumerate account roles
- Enumerate account privileges
- Enumerate account hashes
- Enumerate audit information
- Enumerate password policies
- Enumerate database links

Download Link :

Version 1.0.6 source
Version 1.0.6 binary

Oracle Auditing Tool :

                                 Exploits some of the known vulnerabilities of Oracle. Includes SID Enumeration, Passwords tests [common/ dictionary]. Supports attachment of malformed shell codes with TCP packets for crashing the remote server or gain DBA privileges on it.

 Download Link :


Secure Oracle Auditor :

                                   is an Oracle auditing and Oracle security vulnerability assessment software which is capable of scanning multiple Oracle database servers. This Oracle security software provides Oracle audit tools, Oracle password tools, database scanner software and Oracle security tools for penetration testing.  Secure Oracle Auditor™ identifies the database security threats in Oracle database that contains significant and precious information which is essential for the organization's success.

Secure SQL Auditor (SQA) :

                                        is a SQL security software that conducts database server security auditing & includes vulnerability assessment tools for SQL database server. It is a network based SQL security assessment tool capable of scanning multiple database servers. Secure SQL Auditor™ performs the massive task of identifying vulnerabilities and threats present in MS SQL database server. It helps administrators in closing loopholes which provide direct access to SQL database servers and lead to monetary, reputational and informational losses.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Best SQL Injection Security Scanners


– SQLIer takes a vulnerable URL and attempts to determine all the necessary information to exploit the SQL Injection vulnerability by itself, requiring no user interaction at all.

Get SQLIer : Click Here


SQLbftools is a collection of tools to retrieve MySQL information available using a blind SQL Injection attack.

Get SQLbftools : Click here

SQL Injection Brute-forcer –
SQLibf is a tool for automatizing the work of detecting and exploiting SQL Injection vulnerabilities. SQLibf can work in Visible and Blind SQL Injection. It works by doing simple logic SQL operations to determine the exposure level of the vulnerable application.

Get SQLLibf : Click Here

SQLBrute –
SQLBrute is a tool for brute forcing data out of databases using blind SQL injection vulnerabilities. It supports time based and error based exploit types on Microsoft SQL Server, and error based exploit on Oracle. It is written in Python, uses multi-threading, and doesn’t require non-standard libraries.

Get SQLBrute.

BobCat – BobCat is a tool to aid an auditor in taking full advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities. It is based on AppSecInc research. It can list the linked severs, database schema, and allow the retrieval of data from any table that the current application user has access to. Get BobCat.

SQLMap –
SQLMap is an automatic blind SQL injection tool, developed in python, capable to perform an active database management system fingerprint, enumerate entire remote databases and much more. The aim of SQLMap is to implement a fully functional database management system tool which takes advantages of web application programming security flaws which lead to SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Get SQLMap : Click Here

Absinthe –
Absinthe is a GUI-based tool that automates the process of downloading the schema and contents of a database that is vulnerable to Blind SQL Injection.

Get Absinthe: Click here

SQL Injection Pen-testing Tool – The SQL Injection Tool is a GUI-based utility designed to examine database through vulnerabilities in web-applications. Get SQL Injection Pen-testing tool.


SQL Injection digger (SQLID) is a command line program that looks for SQL injections and common errors in websites. It can perform the follwing operations: look for SQL injection in a web pages and test submit forms for possible SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Get SQID : Click here

Blind SQL Injection Perl Tool
bsqlbf is a Perl script that lets auditors retrieve information from web sites that are vulnerable to SQL Injection.

Get Blind SQL Injection Perl Tool : Click here

SQL Power Injection Injector
SQL Power Injection helps the penetration tester to inject SQL commands on a web page. It’s main strength is its capacity to automate tedious blind SQL injection with several threads.

Get SQL Power Injection : Click here

FJ-Injector Framework
FG-Injector is a free open source framework designed to help find SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications. It includes a proxy feature for intercepting and modifying HTTP requests, and an interface for automating SQL injection exploitation.

Get FJ-Injector Framework: Click here

SQLNinja is a tool to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end database.

Get SQLNinja: Click here

Automagic SQL Injector
The Automagic SQL Injector is an automated SQL injection tool designed to help save time on penetration testing. It is only designed to work with vanilla Microsoft SQL injection holes where errors are returned.

Get Automagic SQL Injector: Click here

NGSS SQL Injector –
NGSS SQL Injector exploit vulnerabilities in SQL injection on disparate database servers to gain access to stored data. It currently supports the following databases: Access, DB2, Informix, MSSQL, MySQL, Oracle, Sysbase. Get NGSS SQL Injector.