Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Malware Classifier - Open Source Tool by Abobe

                                is a command-line tool that lets antivirus analysts, IT administrators, and security researchers quickly and easily determine if a binary file contains malware, so they can develop malware detection signatures faster, reducing the time in which users' systems are vulnerable.

                              Malware Classifier uses machine learning algorithms to classify Win32 binaries – EXEs and DLLs – into three classes: 0 for “clean,” 1 for “malicious,” or “UNKNOWN.”

                              The tool was developed using models resultant from running the J48, J48 Graft, PART, and Ridor machine-learning algorithms on a dataset of approximately 100,000 malicious programs and 16,000 clean programs.

                               The tool extracts seven key features from an unknown binary, feeds them to one of the four classifiers or all of them, and presents its classification of the unknown binary.

Note:  Quick & easy classification of binaries for malware analysis.

Download Link : Click here

Monday, June 11, 2012

Armitage - Network Penetration Testing Tool

                             makes Network penetration testing easy by GUI of Metasploit Framework.

                                         It was developed by Raphael Mudge. This tool helps to reduce the time and also gives a good understanding of Metasploit to various security professionals. The major advantages of using this tool are that it recommends the exploits, has advanced post-exploitation features, and is a very good visualization of the targets.

                                          We can scan a particular target or import data from other security scanners, which can then be used in Armitage for further attacks. The following is a list of a few security scanners file formats which are supported currently for adding the hosts to Armitage:
  • Acunetix XML
  • Amap Log
  • Amap Log -m
  • Appscan XML
  • Burp Session XML
  • Foundstone XML
  • IP360 ASPL
  • IP360 XML v3
  • Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
  • Nessus NBE
  • Nessus XML (v1 and v2)
  • NetSparker XML
  • NeXpose Simple XML
  • NeXpose XML Report
  • Nmap XML
  • OpenVAS Report
  • Qualys Asset XML
  • Qualys Scan XML
  • Retina XML

Armitage Document Manual : Click Here

Armitage Tutorial Video's & Snapshots: Click Here

Armitage Download : Click Here

Friday, June 8, 2012

Mobisec - Mobile Application Security Scanning Testing


             makes mobile application penetration testing more streamlined for the tester, allowing more time to focus on the test objectives and progress, and less on the tools or the testing environment.

                               MobiSec - Live Environment Mobile Testing Framework project is a live environment for testing mobile environments, including devices, applications, and supporting infrastructure. The purpose is to provide attackers and defenders the ability to test their mobile environments to identify design weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The MobiSec Live Environment provides a single environment for testers to leverage the best of all available open source mobile testing tools, as well as the ability to install additional tools and platforms, that will aid the penetration tester through the testing process as the environment is structured and organized based on an industry­‐proven testing framework.
                                       Using a live environment provides penetration testers the  Ability to boot the MobiSec Live Environment on any Intel-­based system from a DVD or USB flash drive, or run the test environment within a virtual machine.


- Upgraded Ruby to 1.9.2p318 and installed for root account 
- Installed Ubuntu updates via Update Manager 
- Updated Metasploit to rev 15158 - Updated SET to rev 1262 
- Added SecurityCompass AndroidLabs apk to emulators 
- Added SecurityCompass LabServer 
- Updated Android SDK Manager to rev 17 
- Updated Eclipse and Android plugin 
- Updated android-emu.sh script to specify emulator to launch 
- Added Ettercap with GUI - Added SQLMap 
- Added pptpd, tcpick, tshark 
- Added SSLStrip
 - Added DroidBox with Android 2.1 emulator
 - Added iSniff SSL MitM tool for iPhone
 - Added dsniff 
- Added SQLiteSpy 
- Fixed Ruby install 
- Updated BeEF (from github) 
- Fixed install script on desktop 
- Added support for Lorcon2 msf module
 - Added Aircrack-ng and Airgraph-ng 
- Fixed Kismet install 
- Added Firefox plugins: - Cookies Manager+ - Greasemonkey - HackBar - HttpFox - JSView - MitM Me - Tamper Data - User Agent Quick Switch - XSS Me - Disabled login sound - Changed default user account lockout to 30 mins - Updated desktop background image.
Project Research Document : Click here
Installation Instruction : Doc click 
Download Link (iso) : MobiSec

Thanks for Visiting my Blog ...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

WebSploit - Scan And Analysis Remote System From Vulnerability

                is an open source project which is used to scan and analysis remote system
in order to find various type of vulnerabilites. This tool is very powerful and support multiple vulnerabilities

[+]Autopwn - Used From Metasploit For Scan and Exploit Target Service
[+]wmap - Scan,Crawler Target Used From Metasploit wmap plugin
[+]format infector - inject reverse & bind payload into file format
[+]phpmyadmin - Search Target phpmyadmin login page
[+]lfi - Scan,Bypass local file inclusion Vulnerability & can be bypass some WAF
[+]apache users - search server username directory (if use from apache webserver)
[+]Dir Bruter - brute target directory with wordlist
[+]admin finder - search admin & login page of target
[+]MLITM Attack - Man Left In The Middle, XSS Phishing Attacks
[+]MITM - Man In The Middle Attack
[+]Java Applet Attack - Java Signed Applet Attack
[+]MFOD Attack Vector - Middle Finger Of Doom Attack Vector
[+]USB Infection Attack - Create Executable Backdoor For Infect USB For Windows

With New Features : Website Attack Vector : Scanner, crawler For WebsiteNetwork Attack Vestor : Network Attack ToolsAutomatic Exploits : Automatic Exploit VulnerabilityFormat Infector : Inject Custom Payload Into File FrmatDownload V1.4 : WebSploit Toolkit V.1.4.zip (1.1 MB)find Other version | read more in hereSecurity List Network™ Present.

Download Link : Websploit

Friday, June 1, 2012

Free Security Testing Service for Websites and Blogs



 Core Features:

  • Get a detailed security report on your website and server
  • Free, secure and confidential
  • A service of Beyond Security, a PCI Approved Scanning Vendor
  • Test for malware, SQL injection, XSS and other vulnerabilites
  • Nothing to download or install, no interruption of your visitors
  • No password access is required 

Scanning Link :  Click Here